Welch Update #3 - 04.15.24

Bonjour à Tous! (Hello everyone!)

We are much overdue for an update! These past few months have definitely felt like a rollercoaster as we’ve continued to adjust to life in France.  

(We visited the ‘Basilica of Notre Dame of Fourvière’ during a recent trip to Lyon for a “rendez-vous médical” (doctor’s appointment)

Classes have continued to chug full steam ahead. We took our A1 exams a few weeks ago and are grateful to announce we both passed and will be moving on to A2 together! 

(studying looks a bit different these days!)

Alyssa’s parents were able to visit for a few days on their way back to Mercy Ships after their quick trip to the states. It was such a blessing to have them here and it encouraged our hearts. Eden was beyond excited to have them here too (and not just because of all the extra sugar in her system – they’re enjoying their role as grandparents a bit too much!).

(If the traveling didn’t wear them out I think two little people certainly did!)

We also had some fellow World Medical Mission (WMM) friends who we went through orientation with come to visit! It was so great to have some more familiar faces here and it also gave us a great excuse to visit Annecy when we dropped them off at the train station.

(Visiting Annecy with our friends)

On the flip side, we recently said goodbye to another dear WMM family that we have been close with over the past few years. They completed their time here at the school and will now head to the states briefly prior to moving to Gabon. They were such a huge help to us as we settled in here and they truly will be missed.

Easter was a bit more emotional this year as the homesickness seemed heavier. There is a local church that we are blessed to be a part of, but often it feels exhausting to try to understand French sermons when we still have a long way to go in our learning. So it was really special to gather with fellow students and have a time of worship in English (there is something about worship in your heart language that we never fully appreciated until now). How awesome to be able to celebrate our Risen Savior Jesus Christ and His victory over death no matter where we are in the world – even if it looks different than what we are used to!

(Easter gathering and time of worship)

(Special Easter card from Grandma and Papa)

The kiddos have continued to do well overall (minus what seems to be constant colds/ear infections).

(We’ve been enjoying the warmer weather recently (maybe a bit too much!)

Eden has grown up so much in the past few months – she moved to a big girl’s bed, said goodbye to her pacifiers, and is potty trained! We also registered her for school this next fall (which is a requirement in France when a kid turns 3!). Despite protesting French at first (and even making up her own language) she recently started to embrace French which has been fun.


Gil is almost 8 months already (and is about to move into size 18 month clothing!) – he has such a sweet and laid back personality and it has been a joy to be his parents (minus maybe the lack of sleep ;).

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

“ Ma grâce te suffit, c’est dans la faiblesse que ma puissance se manifeste pleinement »

2 Corinthiens 12:9

To be honest, this has been a really challenging season for us. We had a former missionary couple reach out to us recently and put into words what I think we have been feeling. It is a daily laying down of our own pride and self-sufficiency and becoming like children as we try to learn a new language and rely on others to help us navigate new systems and ways – which is really hard for our previously “professional adult American” mindsets. And then add the ever humbling, exhausting, and beautiful role of parenting with it. It has stretched and challenged our own faith and reliance on Christ in new ways as we continue to be refined by Him. We were having a particularly hard day a few weeks ago, and as Joe and I sat in silence I felt like I could hear the words “My grace is sufficient for you.” Those words pierced my heart as I needed to be reminded that it’s okay to be weak – for it is in our weaknesses that His power shines ever brighter. 

Despite the challenges this season has brought there has also been a lot of beauty in the simplicity of life here and time as a family. The Lord has been gracious in the ways that He continues to provide for us. We are blessed.

(One of my favorite streets in downtown Albertville)


  • Passing our exams! – We feel blessed to be moving on to A2 and to continue growing in our French.

  • Visits from family and friends – it was really refreshing to have familiar faces here! And we are looking forward to more visits in the coming months!

  • Time as a family – this season has brought a lot of challenges, but one of the biggest blessings in the midst of it is that we do have a lot of time together as a family.

Prayer Request

  • Kid’s health: there is a never-ending battle with colds and illness with the kids in the nursery here (nursery = germ infestation). In addition to these, Eden and Gil have both been battling ear infections. We are grateful that we were able to get an appointment soon with an ENT here (thanks to the help of our friends) to likely replace one of Eden’s tubes that fell out right before we left the states (she has had 4 ear infections since we arrived here). Prayers that the appointment would go well and we could get Eden’s tube replaced. Prayers also that Gil’s ears won’t follow the same path as his big sis!

  • Alyssa’s health – continued prayer for Alyssa’s overall health as she has been battling constant headaches as well as the tendonitis in her thumbs (which seems to be slowly improving with some modifications to daily life but still are not completely healed).

  • Spiritual growth – that we would continue to lean into the Lord and trust Him in this season and that our faith would continue to grow. Prayers against spiritual warfare here at the school as it often seems people here are under attack.

  • Learning French – that we would continue to have minds that can take in and remember the information, ears that can hear, and mouths that can speak. Also, prayers for encouragement and motivation in our learning as it is easy to become discouraged with what often feels like an insurmountable task.

Thank you all so so much for your continued prayer and support! We are truly humbled and blessed. We love hearing from you and also would love to know how we can be praying for you specifically as well – so feel free to shoot us an email.

Many Blessings,

The Welch Family

5 thoughts on “Newsletter #3”

  1. Prayers were for your little ones today. My Bible spoke of God is a shelter, a refuge We will be kept safe! Angels sent to watch over us.
    Thanks to be on our lips every day.
    He will cover you with His feathers. Psalm 91:4
    Love Mark and Joni Lee

    1. Thank you Joni for your continued prayers and encouragement! It means so much to us! Thank you also for the reminder of His faithfulness and refuge – we really do have reason to be thankful.

  2. Alyssa, Joe and littles! I continue to reach out to our Father about your language learning, growth in faith and your family’s many needs. As a toddler you were so resilient living in your first mission field. I pray for the same resilience for Eden and Gil. Hugs sweet
    Girl. You will always be my TCK (third culture kid) niece and one whom I love so much.

    1. Linda, thank you so so much for your kind words and interceding prayers on our behalf – we appreciate them more than you know! Crazy to think you I was in Eden and Gil’s shoes not too long ago. Many blessings to you!

  3. We heard via the grapevine that you are headed to Togo north! (We have volunteered at Togo South several times). Praying for you as you navigate the language, the parenting, the health issues. So grateful for your heart of service! If you ever need Anesthesia or ER/OR nursing help when in Togo reach out!!
    Ellen & Iyad Saleh

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